Better me blog corner

Am I flawed?

Flawed is a word that gives the notation that something is damaged, or imperfect.

The first thought when something is damaged is to give up on it, because its of no use.

Imagine you are going to the grocery store and going through the can good aisle. 

Most people examine the can for dents because if it has a dent it supposed to be no good.

The can with the damage and not so perfect, gets put back on the shelf for the perfect can with wrapping is intact, and has no dents. 

What people fail to realize whether the can is perfect or damaged they have the same ingredients, made by the same manufacture, and fulfill the same purpose.

So if you are a can with a dent, you are not flawed.  You are a person who may have had a difficult journey, hard time, not so easy road but you are not flawed. You have value


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